Most of you use Feedburner Meanwhile that is very popular RSS feed management service. Definitely, you have noticed that all the email update that has reached to the subscriber is not getting specific post title of feeds in their subject lines. It just shows the blog title on the subject line. Many of your subscribers just try to see the subject of any email and if it is interesting then they will reach to your blog. Now that can be solved. How about to change that subject line with your recent post title? If you are the subscriber of this blog, you would see the title of this post as a subject line already.
You can customize that subscription mails using some codes. Use the following tweak to show recent post the title instead of your blog title in email subject line in FeedBurner.
Customize FeedBurner Email Subscription
Login to FeedBurner. Go to Publicize > Email Subscriptions > Email Branding. Use ${latestItemTitle} to get latest title from your feed. ${latestItemTitle} refer to latest item of your blog. If you have more than one post in a day, Check "Change Subject when an email has 2 or more items" and use "${latestItemTitle} (${m})" code in the form. See the below example.
You can use the 'Hot Tips' available in every field. The code 'Hack Tutors - ${latestItemTitle}' will take the action like this,
Save your new settings and check yourself to view result. Why don't try subscribe to my blog through your email and see the example live yourself?
You can customize that subscription mails using some codes. Use the following tweak to show recent post the title instead of your blog title in email subject line in FeedBurner.
Customize FeedBurner Email Subscription
Login to FeedBurner. Go to Publicize > Email Subscriptions > Email Branding. Use ${latestItemTitle} to get latest title from your feed. ${latestItemTitle} refer to latest item of your blog. If you have more than one post in a day, Check "Change Subject when an email has 2 or more items" and use "${latestItemTitle} (${m})" code in the form. See the below example.
You can use the 'Hot Tips' available in every field. The code 'Hack Tutors - ${latestItemTitle}' will take the action like this,
Save your new settings and check yourself to view result. Why don't try subscribe to my blog through your email and see the example live yourself?